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  • What is jerky?
    In simple words, jerky is thinly sliced and dried for several hours But if you delve a little deeper into history... Once in the distant Andes, the Quechua Indians used the term "ch'arki" to refer to dried meat. And then, thanks to the Spanish colonizers, dried meat acquired the already more recognizable word "charqui" and has reached our times as "jerky". Since ancient times, meat has been dried for preservation and long journeys. Literally thanks to these methods, many peoples of North and Central America survived the winter, and the Spanish survived long journeys. Even Jules Verne wrote in his books that travelers and the peoples of Scandinavia, in particular Iceland, dried and cured meat. We try as much as possible to preserve the traditions and recipes that have come down to us after centuries, while adding a unique "raisin" to them and adapt to modern realities and technologies
  • Why can't cheese be seen on jerky with cheese?
    Some varieties of cheese "melt" in the marinade due to their characteristics and become extremely soft. They are so soft that when dried they "melt" into the meat and at first glance the cheese becomes invisible (disguised 😄). But, in fact, you can determine that jerky is really with cheese by shining it against any light source, be it a table lamp, a light bulb or sunlight
  • Expiration date
    Jerky should be stored at a temperature from 0°C to 25°C and a relative humidity of no more than 75% After opening, keep the snacks in the refrigerator! Storage in the refrigerator - up to 30 days , at room temperature - up to 10 days
  • The appearance of a white coating on the meat
    If the product has a dry white coating, formed as a result of salt crystals coming to the surface, it can be safely consumed . The appearance of a white coating on the shell is natural and does not affect the quality of the product
  • Delivery
    Delivery is carried out from Dnipro; If the order is placed before 2:00 p.m., it will be shipped in this day. During the festive period, the work schedule may change, it is better to check the information on the website or from the manager! When placing an order, you can choose one of the convenient delivery methods for you: Nova Poshta: delivery time - 1-3 days after dispatch, delivery payment - fixed: $10 per order Weight ! In case of problems, including damage to the parcel, call or write to +380 68 007 68 79 (Viber/Telegram) or on our Instagram @jerkins_ua - we will solve these problems
  • Returns and Exchanges
    According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 172 dated 19.03.1994, food products of appropriate quality cannot be exchanged or returned . Upon receipt, check the (original) packaging for integrity and ensure that the product matches your order. If the (original) packaging is damaged, we will send a similar product and pay for shipping or refund the cost of the order - your choice. The product is not subject to exchange or return after you damage the packaging or the fact of its use. To request an exchange/refund, please send us the following documents in any convenient way for you (Instagram, Telegram, e-mail): a photo/video of the received product, on which the damage is clearly visible; the act of acceptance and transfer is drawn up at the Nova Poshta branch at the time of receipt of the shipment. The deadline for processing a request is one day from the time of receipt of the goods. The deadline for processing the request and returning the funds is two working days (not including the time required by the intermediary bank to transfer the funds).
  • Can I replace multiple items in an order?
    Yes , if you want to replace several items in the set, you can indicate this in the comments to the order. The manager can contact you for clarification! The weight or price of the set may change depending on the replaced item!
  • Are individual orders possible?
    We can create an order completely according to your criteria, starting from the composition and wishes to the taste and ending with an assortment for your individual tastes Processing of such an order can take up to 7 working days. The cost of such an order will be adjusted depending on the cost of the ingredients and the effort spent on its creation We reserve the right to refuse a request after discussion with the team. We will definitely write you the answer and reasons.
  • Payment
    Goods are sold only upon full prepayment using the following payment methods: - So far only PayPal for export
  • Як отримати знижку для війскових?
    Для того, щоб отримати знижку для війскових - вам потрібно підтвердити, що ви дійсно є війсковослужбовцем сил оборони України. Для цього вам потрібно: 1) Обов'язково зареєструватись під своїм ім'ям та прізвищем 2) На наш Telegram (за номером +380680076879) написати "Хочу отримати знижку для ВС" та відправити фото з самознищенням (таймер самознищення має бути не меньше 30 секунд) будь-якого документу, що підтверджує вашу причетність до СОУ, це може бути війсковий квиток або УБД. Ви можете закрити обліковий номер вашого війскового квитка або удб але повинно бути добре видно ваше Ім'я та Прізвище, також воно обов'язково повинно співпадати з Ім'ям та Прізвищем під якім ви реєстрували обліковий запис 3) Після ідентифікації вам буде присвоєно бейдж "війсковозавр" та ви отримаєте одноразовий промокод на знижку в 20%. Для того, щоб отримати знижку ще раз вам вже не потрібно знову проходити ідентифікацію, ви можете просто відправити "+" у телеграм, де ви проходили ідентифікацію. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ! Для запобігання шахрайства ви можете отримати новий промокод тільки після використання на СВОЄМУ аккаунті попереднього. Якщо ваш промокод буде використано на будь-якому іншому аккаунті, то ми залишаємо за собою право аннулювати знижку. Інструкція, як надіслвти фото з самознищенням
  • Offer contract
    PUBLIC CONTRACT (TENDER) to order, purchase and sale and delivery of goods This contract is the official and public offer of the Seller to enter into a contract of sale of the Goods presented on the website This contract is public, that is, in accordance with Article 633 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, its conditions are the same for all buyers regardless of their status (individual, legal entity, individual entrepreneur) without giving preference to one buyer over another. By concluding this Agreement, the buyer fully accepts the terms and conditions of placing an order, paying for the goods, delivering the goods, returning the goods, responsibility for an unscrupulous order and all other terms of the contract. The contract is considered concluded from the moment of clicking the "Сheckout" button on the checkout page in the "Cart" section and the Buyer receiving an electronic confirmation of the order from the Seller. 1. Definition of terms 1.1. Public offer (hereinafter - the "Offer") - the public offer of the Seller, addressed to an unspecified circle of persons, to conclude a contract for the sale of goods remotely with the Seller (hereinafter - the "Agreement") on the terms contained in this Offer. 1.2. The product or service is the object of the agreement of the parties, which was selected by the buyer on the website of the online store and placed in the cart, or already purchased by the buyer from the seller remotely. 1.2. Online store - the Seller's website at the address is created for the conclusion of retail and wholesale sales contracts based on the Buyer's familiarization with the description of the Goods offered by the Seller using the Internet. 1.3. The buyer is a legally competent natural person who has reached the age of 18, receives information from the Seller, places an order for the purchase of goods presented on the website of the online store for purposes not related to the implementation of business activities, or a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur . 1.4. The seller is Entepreneur (FOP) Shevchenko Ilya Serhiyovych (identification code 3724706011), a legal entity that was created and operates in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, whose location is: 49125, Dnipropetrovsk region, city of Dnipro, street Tereshchenkivska, building 23 2. Subject of the Agreement 2.1. The Seller undertakes to transfer ownership of the Goods to the Buyer, and the Buyer undertakes to pay for and accept the Goods under the terms of this Agreement. 2.2. The date of conclusion of the Contract-offer (acceptance of the offer) and the moment of complete and unquestionable acceptance by the Buyer of the terms of the Contract shall be considered the date when the Buyer fills out the order form located on the website of the online store, provided that the Buyer receives an electronic confirmation of the order from the Seller. If necessary, at the request of the Buyer, the Agreement can be executed in writing. 3. Placement of the Order 3.1. The buyer places an order independently in the online store through the "Cart" form, or by placing an order by e-mail or at the phone number indicated in the contact section of the online store. 3.2. The Seller has the right to refuse to transfer the order to the Buyer if the information provided by the Buyer during the order placement is incomplete or raises suspicions about their validity. 3.3. When placing an order on the website of the online store, the Buyer undertakes to provide the following mandatory information necessary for the Seller to fulfill the order: 3.3.1. last name, first name of the Buyer; 3.3.2. the address to which the Goods should be delivered (if delivery to the Buyer's address) or the branch number of Nova Poshta; 3.3.3. contact phone 3.3.4. Identification code for a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. 3.4. The name, quantity, article number, and price of the Product selected by the Buyer are indicated in the Buyer's cart on the Internet store website. 3.5. If any of the parties to the contract needs additional information, he has the right to request it from the other party. If the Buyer does not provide the necessary information, the Seller is not responsible for providing quality service to the Buyer when purchasing goods in the online store. 3.6. When placing an order through the Seller's operator (clause 3.1. of this Offer), the Buyer undertakes to provide the information specified in clauses 3.3 - 3.4. of this Offer. 3.6. The Buyer's acceptance of the terms of this Offer is carried out by entering the relevant data into the registration form on the website of the online store or when placing the Order through the operator. After placing the Order through the Operator, the Buyer's data is entered into the Seller's database. 3.7. The buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when placing the Order. 3.8. By concluding the Agreement, i.e. accepting the terms of this offer (the proposed terms of purchase of the Goods), by placing the Order, the Buyer confirms the following: a) The buyer is fully and completely acquainted with and agrees with the terms of this offer (offer); b) he gives permission for the collection, processing and transfer of personal data, the permission for the processing of personal data is valid for the entire term of the Agreement, as well as for an unlimited period after its expiration. In addition, by concluding the contract, the Buyer confirms that he has been notified (without additional notification) of the rights established by the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data", the purposes of data collection, and that his personal data is transferred to the Seller for the purpose of fulfilling the conditions of this Agreement, the possibility of mutual settlements, as well as to receive invoices, acts and other documents. The Buyer also agrees that the Seller has the right to provide access and transfer his personal data to third parties without any additional notice from the Buyer for the purpose of fulfilling the Buyer's order. The extent of the Buyer's rights as a subject of personal data in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" is known and understood by him. 4. Price and Delivery of the Goods 4.1 Prices for Goods and services are determined by the Seller independently and are indicated on the website of the online store. All prices for goods and services are indicated on the website in hryvnias, including VAT. 4.2 Prices for Goods and services may be changed by the Seller unilaterally depending on market conditions. At the same time, the price of a separate unit of the Product, the cost of which has been paid in full by the Buyer, cannot be changed by the Seller unilaterally. 4.3. The price of the Product, which is indicated on the website of the online store, does not include the cost of delivery of the Product to the Buyer. The cost of delivery of the Goods is paid by the Buyer in accordance with the current rates of delivery services (carriers) directly to the delivery service (carrier) chosen by him. 4.4. The price of the Product indicated on the website of the online store does not include the cost of delivery of the Product to the Buyer's address. 4.5. The Seller can indicate the approximate cost of delivery of the Goods to the Buyer's address when the Buyer makes a corresponding request to the Seller by sending a letter to the e-mail or when placing an order through the operator of the online store. 4.6. The Buyer's obligations to pay for the Goods are considered fulfilled from the moment the funds are received by the Seller on his account. 4.7. Settlements between the Seller and the Buyer for the Goods are made by the methods specified on the website of the online store on the "Questions and Answers" page in the "Payment" section and the "Delivery" section. 4.8. When receiving the goods, the Buyer must check the conformity of the Goods with the qualitative and quantitative characteristics (product name, quantity, completeness, expiration date) in the presence of the representative of the delivery service (carrier). 4.9. The buyer or his representative, during the acceptance of the goods, confirms with his signature on the goods receipt / or in the order / or in the transport invoice for the delivery of the goods that he has no complaints about the quantity of the goods, appearance and completeness of the goods. 4.10. The right of ownership and the risk of accidental loss or damage to the Goods shall be transferred to the Buyer or his Representative from the moment of receipt of the Goods by the Buyer in the city of delivery of the Goods upon independent delivery of the Goods from the Seller, or during the handover by the Seller of the goods to the delivery service (carrier) chosen by the Buyer. 5. Rights and obligations of the Parties 5.1. The seller is obliged to: 5.1.1. Deliver the goods to the Buyer in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the Buyer's order. 5.1.2. Not to disclose any private information about the Buyer and not to provide access to this information to third parties, except for cases provided by law and during the execution of the Buyer's Order. 5.2. The seller has the right to: 5.2.1 Change the terms of this Agreement, as well as the prices of Goods and services, unilaterally, by posting them on the website of the Internet store. All changes take effect from the moment of their publication. 5.3 The buyer undertakes: 5.3.1 Before concluding the Agreement, familiarize yourself with the content of the Agreement, the terms of the Agreement and the prices offered by the Seller on the website of the online store. 5.3.2 In order for the Seller to fulfill his obligations to the Buyer, the latter must provide all the necessary data that uniquely identify him as the Buyer and are sufficient for the delivery of the ordered Goods to the Buyer. 6. Liability 6.1. The Seller is not responsible for damage caused to the Buyer or third parties as a result of improper installation, use, storage of the Goods purchased from the Seller. 6.2. The Seller is not responsible for improper, untimely fulfillment of Orders and its obligations in the event that the Buyer provides inaccurate or erroneous information. 6.3. The Seller and the Buyer are responsible for fulfilling their obligations in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine and the provisions of this Agreement. 6.4. The Seller or the Buyer is released from responsibility for full or partial non-fulfillment of their obligations, if the non-fulfillment is the result of force majeure circumstances such as: war or hostilities, earthquake, flood, fire and other natural disasters that occurred regardless of the will of the Seller and/or The buyer after concluding this contract. A Party that cannot fulfill its obligations shall immediately notify the other Party thereof. 7. Confidentiality and protection of personal data. 7.1. By providing his personal data on the website of the online store when registering or placing an Order, the Buyer gives the Seller his voluntary consent to the processing, use (including transfer) of his personal data, as well as taking other actions provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data ", without limiting the validity period of such consent. 7.2. The Seller undertakes not to disclose the information received from the Buyer. It is not considered a violation for the Seller to provide information to counterparties and third parties acting on the basis of a contract with the Seller, including for the fulfillment of obligations to the Buyer, as well as in cases where the disclosure of such information is established by the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine. 7.3. The buyer is responsible for keeping his personal data up-to-date. The Seller is not responsible for poor performance or non-fulfilment of its obligations due to the irrelevance of information about the Buyer or its inconsistency. 8. Other conditions 8.1. This contract is concluded on the territory of Ukraine and is valid in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. 8.2. All disputes arising between the Buyer and the Seller shall be resolved through negotiations. In case of failure to reach a settlement of the disputed issue through negotiations, the Buyer and/or the Seller have the right to apply for a resolution of the dispute to the judicial authorities in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. 8.3. The seller has the right to make changes to this Agreement unilaterally, provided for in clause 5.2.1. Agreement. In addition, changes to the Agreement may also be made by mutual agreement of the Parties in accordance with the procedure provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine. ADDRESS AND DETAILS OF THE SELLER: FOP "Shevchenko Ilya Serhiyovych" 49125, Dnipro, Tereshchenkivska street, building 23 P/R UA953052990000026001050582796 in JSC CB "Privatbank" MFO 305299 EDRPOU 3724706011 tel. (068) 04-22-662
  • Що таке бейджи?
    Бейджи - це своєрідні позначки, якими ми нагороджуємо наших найактивніших покупців за певні дії. Усі бейджи дають ті, чи інші привілегії
  • Які є бейджи?
    Є три типи бейджів: 1) Постійні - це бейджи, які ви отримуєте раз та назавжди. Зараз їх всього два: Військовозавр та Партнерозавр 2) Змінні - це бейджи які ви отримуєте за певні дії, вони, зазвичай, діють протягом 30 днів та дають одноразову знижку на певну категорію товарів. Це бейджи: Пекельнозавр, Чипсозавр та Експериментозавр 3) Плаваючі - є тільки один плаваючий бейдж - Улюблений покупець. Його може мати тільки одна людина, якщо вона підходить по всім критеріям та доки займає топ 1 серед інших покупців
  • Бейдж Військовозавр
    Військовозавр - це бейдж який можуть отримати тільки оборонці України після проходження ідентифікації. Як отримати? - Пройти ідентифікацію Що дає? -20% знижки на кожну покупку
  • Бейдж Партнерозавр
    Партнерозавр - це бейдж який отримують наші рефери. Ознайомитись с партнерською програмою можно на вкладці "Заробляй з Jerkins" або за посиланням. Як отримати? - Пройти модерацію Що дає? - Отримуйте гроші за приведенних вами покупців - Конвертуйте Джеркоїни у гривні
  • Бейдж Пекельнозавр
    Пекельнозавр - це бейдж який отримують справжні чилліхеди при досягненні певного порогу суми, витраченої на гострі товари на нашому сайті. За кожні 2000грн витрачених на гострі товари ви будете отримувати бейдж та знижку 20% на гостре. Ви не можете отримати бейдж та знижку частіше, ніж раз на 30 днів Як отримати? - Витратити 2000грн+ на гостре Що дає? - одноразову знижку на 20% на усі гострі товари за кожні витрачені 2000грн
  • Бейдж Чипсозавр
    Чипсозавр - це бейдж який отримують при досягненні певного порогу суми, витраченої на будь які чипси на нашому сайті. За кожні 2000грн витрачених на чипси ви будете отримувати бейдж та знижку 20% на чипси. Ви не можете отримати бейдж та знижку частіше, ніж раз на 30 днів Як отримати? - Витратити 2000грн+ на чипси Що дає? - одноразову знижку на 20% на усі чипси за кожні витрачені 2000грн
  • Бейдж Експериментозавр
    Експериментозавр - це бейдж який отримують справжні експериментатори при досягненні певного порогу суми, витраченої на "шось цікаве". За кожні 2000грн витрачених на "шось цікаве" ви будете отримувати бейдж та знижку 20% на "шось цікаве". Ви не можете отримати бейдж та знижку частіше, ніж раз на 30 днів Як отримати? - Витратити 2000грн+ на "шось цікаве" Що дає? - одноразову знижку на 20% на усе "шось цікаве" за кожні витрачені 2000грн
  • Бейдж Улюблений покупець
    Улюблений покупець - це в прямому сенсі найунікальніший бейдж на нашому сайті, його може мати тільки один користувач. Щоб його отримати вам потрібно придбати будь яких товарів на суму більш ніж 5000грн, при цьому ви маєте бути топ 1 на сайті за сумою замовлень. Ви будете отримувати знижку 10% на БУДЬ-ЯКІ товари, доки займаєте топ 1 Як отримати? - Загальна сума замовлень має бути більш ніж 5000грн - Ви маєте займати топ 1 за загальною сумою замовлень серед усіх покупців на нашому сайті Що дає? - Знижку 10% на усі товари, доки ви займаєте топ 1 серед інших покупців - Унікальні знижки та промоакції - Пріорітет в замовленнях - Бонусну упаковку чипсів до кожного замовлення
  • Бейдж Бейбізавр
    Бейбізавр - це бейдж який отримують при досягненні певного порогу суми, витраченої на "дітям". За кожні 2000грн витрачених на "дітям" ви будете отримувати бейдж та знижку 20% на "дітям". Ви не можете отримати бейдж та знижку частіше, ніж раз на 30 днів Як отримати? - Витратити 2000грн+ на "дітям" Що дає? - одноразову знижку на 20% на усе в категорії "дітям" за кожні витрачені 2000грн
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